Thursday, June 9, 2011

More school?

Finally.  I made the decision to return to school.  It has taken me 14 years, but I'm mentally ready now.  Financially ready is another story.  Anyone have a money tree?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The next great adventure.

According to Erikson, we enter different phases throughout our lives.  Often, I hear people say things like, "I wish I were in high school again." or "Boy, if I could just be 25 again." and so on and so forth.  I realized recently that I have no desire to go back.  It's not that it was all bad.  However, when I compare that time to what I am experiencing's not even close on the fun-fulfillment meter. 

This is my positive journal to share with everyone that forty doesn't mean you are dragging yourself to the grave; but that you are now in the position enjoy the seeds you planted in your twenties and thirties, be confident in who you are and enjoy life to the fullest. It's time to do new things and go new places.  I'll share my experiences through this blog, the smooth sailing experiences as well as the bumps in the road. 

Are you thinking about your next great adventure?    Join me.